Working towards Cleaner Neighborhood this I-Day

Independence Day is a great occassion for connecting with your community and doing something together. Here are some ideas on what you could do in your neighborhood when it comes to Swachh Bharat

1) Ensure all food/left overs are disposed properly after the flag hoisting event
2) Discuss cleanliness/waste management and other Swachh Bharat matters
3) Sensitize all present about the importance of good civic sense
4) If in society/colony, ensure security, household staff, vendors understand the do's/dont's
5) Check on conditions of garbage bins in common area, cleaning equipment and if anything is needed
6) Discuss any common issues that need to be taken up with the municipal councilor
7) Have your neighbors also Engage in Swachh Bharat city level circle
8) Conduct tree plantation or a cleanliness drive.

If you have ideas or plans of other activities tomorrow that we have not included, please do share through your comments so all can benefit.

Swachh Bharat Mission

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Children parks are being occupied and used by some some vendors like cloth iroing people, scraps venders etc dhall be removed by Municipal authorities. EB people they are cutting trees branches and throwing the leaves without removing them Fish stall and muttons stalls are installed on the road side, diffen centres are being installed in the colony and thereby garbages are thrown in the streed, Municipal authorieies are not taking about these stalls.
Persons employed for this work are they doing their jobs properly?Is any body supervising their work properly?Labour catagory have very strong unions and politicians do not want to touch them.
in Poompozhil Nagar Chennai 62 an under ground sewage line was made in 2012. till now it is not operational. somebody sued the municipality at athe place where they wanted to make STP. there is one SWP of HVF nearby. it can be connected there. there is sewage water from septic tank here and there. Municipality does not lift that. Pvt lifter charges is too high. at the time of making the houses the municipality had charged for Drainage and piped metro water. On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Swachh Bharat Mission <> wrote: >
Until and unless the man on the street is willing to contribute towards keeping their surroundings clean, success of the swatch bhaarat mission is a far cry. Contractors leave the debris behind after their work is it public housing or private construction. This is one step to start with. The list of such suggestions is long, but surely the "responsibles" are not unaware of those.....
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