Water Supply - Inputs on Key Issues

Dear all:

Lack of water is an issue in many parts of Urban India. From a cleanliness/hygiene sanitation standpoint, this has led to the fact we have a lot of toilets built but are non functional.

With this post, we would like to request you to list Water Supply issues you have experienced in your respective areas/cities.

Once we know the issues, we will look at Root Causes followed by Solutions to help improve Water Supply in Urban India.

The final whitepaper will be shared with the respective stakeholders so actions can be taken to improve Water Supply in Urban India.

We look forward to your inputs!
Ministry of Urban Development

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The water crisis is man made. Be it in urban or rural. We consume water from natural sources, river and ground. The used water is discharged in sewage, and not useful to recharge the ground where we live in. Another source for a limited period is rain, mostly wasted in drains and sewage. Every state governments do have one or the other agencies to implement the task of ground water re-charge. It is just on paper, and the staff gossip in office, nothing beyond. These staff should be assigned with measurable task to qualify for increment, promotion and so on. Take an example of a layout of 100 houses and 90 bore wells. 5 with bore well did rain water recharge. The dried up bore well be alive back in a year or two, quantity of water availability is less in this case. If all 100 houses execute (exception should not be allowed) rain water recharge all the 90 bore wells will be alive back with good amount of water. The government staff does not take responsibility and so the residents. Both are at fault. various state governments announced disconnection of city water supply if ground water recharge is not implemented. Good, but no action after the deadline. It is the lapse of the staff and the residents. COMPULSORY IMPLEMENTATION OF RWH / GWR should be implemented. The preferred is GWR and not RWH as called now, less expensive, incerase ground water table. This process is inbuilt in developed countries as part of city or layout planning. The rain water from the houses and open areas are used to recharge the ground there itself, only the excess water which could not be observed within short time flows to lower side. This system does not exist in India. If someone knows, it is better to share it to put forth as an example from India. Unless GWR is implemented, every other process are temporary and useful briefly for few years.
My suggestion is to save the rain water. There should be compulsion on land owner to make a dig near the tubewells so that the rain water should continuslly go under land and we give a good environment to next generations... Sufficient water level will leads to solution of water issues..
there is no water in my house all the pipes have rotted away, there is no running water in the bathrooms or in the kitchen
Proper care is required to be taken to repair leaking pipe lines immediately when noticed. In our city many localities have permanent patches of wet road /lane because pipes are leaking almost for twenty four hours a day. Municipal authority seems to be happy by just totally ignoring this problem, even public (I have not heard of any protest or complaints in this regard) too seems to be least bothered. As per my own estimation, at least 30 -40% of potable water is running down the drain every day whereas some of the areas suffer of acute shortage of water. Proper and immediate attention is required to be taken up to save this precious natural resourec instead of looking for supplementary or additional resource.
Only possible if a common plant is fixed on line with a alternative feeding line to all flats.
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