Electric Cars in India
They left Bengaluru at 230 pm and reached Hyderabad at 530 am the next day..!!! Their Experience for Policy makers:
1.) If you drive fast above 100 kmph, the battery drains fast.
2.) Bengaluru- Hyderabad Highway has numerous Charging Stations compared to many Other highways emerging from Bengaluru.
3.)Wayside Charging Stations are of 30 Kilowatts, few are 60 kilowatts which takes longer Charging time.
3.) Numerous Charging Stations have no backup Power Supply as as a result these are redundant.
4.) Each Charging Station has its own App which has to be downloaded for Payment and Connection. These being in Remote locations, connectivity is poor to download. Our phone was full of Multiple Charging Apps.
5.) On long distance drives Motion Sickness is more for those seated behind as it’s noiselessness , the visual and auditory inputs don’t match the movement of the vehicle.
6.) When total discharge takes place, God only help. You just have to exit. Steering is locked, Electronics of the Car is shutdown. It has to be taken on a flat bed.
7.) Now, we thinking of acquiring at least a Second hand Fuel car.
8.) The best Electric Car has poor Resale value.
Policy Makers, OEMs, Stakeholders and Health Professionals could put their heads together. Electric cars are way forward in future; the Supply Chain Infrastructure should hand hold. At present definitely not to use it for family and Senior Citizens.