Clueless parliamentarians of India
Successful countries talk about their present. Struggling countries keep talking about their past.
China talks about its dominance in the EV industry. China talks about trains that run at 350 km/h. China talks about building more mega cities. China talks about software developed at home. China talks about how it reduced pollution in industrial towns.
India is still debating whether Nehru would have been a better PM or Sardar Patel. Whether Veer Savarkar was a hero or not? Whether Congress insulted Ambedkar or was it the BJP. India keeps going on and on about how great our civilization was 5000 years back.
The window is short, and millions of Indians are aspiring for a better life. It cannot be delivered by living in the past. The discussions in parliament are completely divorced from the real problems that people have in their lives.
Pollution is killing. Urban-infra is crumbling. Inflation is painful. Jobs are scarce. National security issues aplenty. None of these problems are going to be solved by living in the past. Parliamentarians needs to wake up, and smell the coffee.
parliamentarians? what does that mean? elected representatives -- they all suffer from from yes boss syndrome. So, no need to update. Speak what is provided by party like a script.
Jan 01
The scenario is not that bad. Yes politicians keep on creating, debating issues in Parliament, international forces are also aggressively pushing their agenda to pull Bharat down. Yet we are progressing, may not be as per our expectations. Let us not forget the policies we had in the past. Yes, we are not matching the speed with China but we should not forget that we are a democratic country, surrounded by people who are interested only in politics of pulling down Bharat.
Dec 31
The saddest part of Indian democracy is that even the opposition wants to pull India back and keep the Nation embroiled in the deplorable age-old philosophy of "caste". It shows bankruptcy of ideas without displaying any progress mindset. No one talks about creation of casteless uniform society which would have equal opportunities based on meritocracy. Therefore, the blame need to be shared by all political class and not just one. The only hope now are "millennials" and "Gen Z" of New India who give more importance to economic prosperity and lifestyle rather than caste-related background checks while choosing their partners in life. This has already resulted in emergence of a new class of citizens in India whose real "caste" would be difficult to be found out. In this regard, finding a "pure caste" is also be a futile and mindless exercise which would not serve India's progress. Our ex-PM Rajiv Gandhi had identified the aspirations of the emerging "middle class" in India for its timely leap into 21st century. Four decades later, today, it would really help if the existing political class (cutting across party lines) start talking about the aspirations of emerging "mixed caste" in India and stop living and reliving the pure trash of past. Amen.
Dec 26
The saddest part of Indian democracy is that even the opposition wants to pull India back and keep the Nation embroiled in the deplorable age-old philosophy of "caste". It shows bankruptcy of ideas without displaying any progress mindset. No one talks about creation of casteless uniform society which would have equal opportunities based on meritocracy. Therefore, the blame need to be shared by all political class and not just one. The only hope now are "millennials" and "Gen Z" of New India who give more importance to economic prosperity and lifestyle rather than caste-related background checks while choosing their partners in life. This has already resulted in emergence of a new class of citizens in India whose real "caste" would be difficult to be found out. In this regard, finding a "pure caste" is also be a futile and mindless exercise which would not serve India's progress. Our ex-PM Rajiv Gandhi had identified the aspirations of the emerging "middle class" in India for its timely leap into 21st century. Four decades later, today, it would really help if the existing political class (cutting across party lines) start talking about the aspirations of emerging "mixed caste" in India and stop living and reliving the pure trash of past. Amen.
Dec 26
The saddest part of Indian democracy is that even the opposition wants to pull India back and keep the Nation embroiled in the deplorable age-old philosophy of "caste". It shows bankruptcy of ideas without displaying any progress mindset. No one talks about creation of casteless uniform society which would have equal opportunities based on meritocracy. Therefore, the blame need to be shared by all political class and not just one. The only hope now are "millennials" and "Gen Z" of New India who give more importance to economic prosperity and lifestyle rather than caste-related background checks while choosing their partners in life. This has already resulted in emergence of a new class of citizens in India whose real "caste" would be difficult to be found out. In this regard, finding a "pure caste" is also be a futile and mindless exercise which would not serve India's progress. Our ex-PM Rajiv Gandhi had identified the aspirations of the emerging "middle class" in India for its timely leap into 21st century. Four decades later, today, it would really help if the existing political class (cutting across party lines) start talking about the aspirations of emerging "mixed caste" in India and stop living and reliving the pure trash of past. Amen.
Dec 26