We need to upgrade the railways for the benefit of the common man. Increase in rate is inevitable. Lets agree that NDA has got the guts to take bitter pill by tough calls. Praveen
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No doubt to increase far and fright of railway the government must provide better facilities for general public as well especially for disabled / senior citizens. All encroachments on approach roads to main stations be removed. Proper parking space for private and public vehicles. Better and hygienic food, fast trains to cut short time. computerized system of signals. comfortable journey be provided and more trains must be started to link entire nation
Jun 22
Without bringing any visible improvement in the Railways system, fare hike appears unjustified and more so just before the budget session. For improving sanitation and cleanliness in the compartments and railway stations, punctuality in train services, etc. money is not a big factor but the will of the Railway administration is.
Jun 22
Fare hike is nothing new, but at the same time people are expecting steps / action plan from Government to improve the functioning of entire raillway system and to introduce fast trains in India to reduce the travel time and save the valuable time of our people.
Jun 22
Agree with all the above posts. Some voters are shortsighted and impatient and they suffer because of that.
Jun 22
Did we not vote for a strong PM who could take tough decisions? Now why are people cribbing? We should support any decision to improve and make public transport more attractive, and yes we should be prepared to pay for the same. We expect our salaries to be raised - so will those of Railway employees and who will pay for that? But, yes, the Government should also take steps to stop theft of Railway property. Also, the Old Delhi Railway station is stinking and filthy. That should be cleaned. Recently, I booked three CC tickets for the Kalka-Simla toy train. And you know what I paid? Only Rs. 577/- - Less than a pizza meal for two.
Jun 21