7 Foods That Relieve Constipation the Natural Way
1. Popcorn
If you wish to improve your digestion, eat popcorn. This snack is both low in calories and packed with fiber: 1 cup of air-popped popcorn contains only 31 calories and 1.2 g of fiber. Fiber is often advised to relieve constipation because it adds bulk to the stools, makes them softer, and promotes healthy gut microflora, too.
2. Eat more fruit, vegetables, and greens
The easiest way to consume more fiber is to eat more fruit, vegetables, and greens. Such plant foods as sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, apples, pears, berries, and avocados are all rich in fiber.
3. Prunes
Dried plums, commonly known as prunes, have quite a lot of scientific research backing their effectiveness at reducing constipation. This dried fruit has the perfect combination of high fiber content, natural laxatives, and ingredients that promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria.
4. Seafood
Seafood is beneficial for our body for many reasons. Not only is it a healthy source of protein, but it’s also packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that make our brains work better, our bones stronger, and our eyesight better. Crucially for the matter at hand, seafood is rich in magnesium, an essential mineral that is known to reduce one’s risk of constipation.
5. Flaxseeds and chia seeds
Both flaxseeds and chia seeds are well-known remedies for constipation. These seeds packed with fiber; for example, just 28 g (1 oz) of chia seeds have 10.6 g of fiber, which is about 42% of one’s daily needs. Apart from that, these seeds are super effective at absorbing and retaining water, which will soften the stools and increase their bulk. Adding these seeds into your diet is simple, too. Just sprinkle some on any meal, be it a salad, soup, a stir-fry, or oatmeal, and you’re done.
6. Legumes
Lentils, beans, and peas are also a great option if you’re suffering from constipation. These foods are very rich in protein and beneficial vitamins and minerals, so everyone will benefit from eating them often. In addition, consuming legumes has anti-inflammatory benefits, too, which can help reduce the bloating and discomfort associated with constipation.
7. Olive Oil
The oil functions as a lubricant laxative, coating the intestinal walls and making it easier for food to pass. It may be also stimulating the small intestine. If you want to try this method, you can take a spoonful of olive oil alone or mix it with some liquid (like milk or juice).
The chia seeds are easily available in well socked provision stores in India and is sold by this(Chea Or Chia name). But be careful that it expands to more than 10 times it's size after coming in contact with liquids. So taking of sufficient quantity of liquids with it is recommended.. Besides soluble fibre its a very good source protein which is very much lacking Indian vegetarian food.. So one should enjoy this delicacy with B'fast, Lunch or Dinner as per ones liking..