Widow struggling for her " Aan Ban & Shan" from lawyer who wants to grab her business & property
Signed 1/3000
Online Signatures: 1

In today's senerio where people are encourage to work and provide jobs to others, This widow ( Msc, MA in Education, MA in sociology, Bed, TET & Bsc) left her teaching job and started running restaurant after her Kargil war Veteran Husband demise. The widow's in-laws family 14 members are serving in Army + 7 members are either retired from Army) and her own younger brother just retired from airforce.
Where in the advocate, his family ,his relatives who are ( lawyers, District president of Bharitiya Janta Youva Morcha, Gram Pradhan) His seniors are president of High court bar council, President and members of District bar council.....)
The lawyer scandalously damaging the reputation, business, capturing & grabing the assets of this widow by his muscle power and position.
Where in the widow was harassed, beaten,tortured, threatened, abused & refusal to register complain by the police and also refusal to register appeal in lower & higher court for justice by the bar council.
We in India struggling to overcome violence against women and trying hard to establish a respectful position for the family of war veteran. and many times we chants slogan like "BETI PARAO & BETI BACHAO" wherein in her case its reverse like "BETI FASAO & BETI PAKRAO"
Here my request to all members of Local circles to come forward in support of this widow and stand by her side so that she can get fair justic against the muscle powered advocate & his associate.
Where in the advocate, his family ,his relatives who are ( lawyers, District president of Bharitiya Janta Youva Morcha, Gram Pradhan) His seniors are president of High court bar council, President and members of District bar council.....)
The lawyer scandalously damaging the reputation, business, capturing & grabing the assets of this widow by his muscle power and position.
Where in the widow was harassed, beaten,tortured, threatened, abused & refusal to register complain by the police and also refusal to register appeal in lower & higher court for justice by the bar council.
We in India struggling to overcome violence against women and trying hard to establish a respectful position for the family of war veteran. and many times we chants slogan like "BETI PARAO & BETI BACHAO" wherein in her case its reverse like "BETI FASAO & BETI PAKRAO"
Here my request to all members of Local circles to come forward in support of this widow and stand by her side so that she can get fair justic against the muscle powered advocate & his associate.
The Petition was also marked to:
Section officer at PMO
- sosuraj17@gmail.com