Tax Compliance and Widen the Net
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2
Mr Mahesh Sharma
I commend the improvements by Govt of India in bringing in GST and widening the Individual Tax base. What is appalling is the impunity with which some businesses are openly flouting laws . Eg Sweet shops are openly using public space around their shops and allow sale of Samosas,Jalebis,Juices,Fast foods by collecting cash and issuing tokens without proper Billing. As observed in NOIDA and elsewhere they collect on the average almost Rs 20000/ or more each day which is unaccounted. Taken together it is huge tax evasion. I hold both i.e. the business and the citizens accountable for this malpractice and in turn huge loss of revenue to the State.
I appeal to the Tax authorities,Municipal bodies and people to come together and address this issue. I wonder what the Health dept and the Food Inspectors are doing about this ? Jai Hind
I appeal to the Tax authorities,Municipal bodies and people to come together and address this issue. I wonder what the Health dept and the Food Inspectors are doing about this ? Jai Hind
The Petition was also marked to:
Tax Officers and Citizens
Transforming IndiaOct 02
Do not give any tax & refuse to pay tax unless your neighbour hood improves. Time to protest against taxes. For what we are paying taxes, to pay salaries of these MPs & MLA's ? to get drowned in OPEN sewer holes ??