Stop Establishing medical college in two campuses in Jalpaiguri
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2

Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
In Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal,the Hon'ble Chief Minister had laid foundation stone on a plot of land which is more than 26 Acres,sufficient to establish one Campus of medical college.But the local CMOH is trying to divide the proposed medical college in two parts of five km away. As per Medical Council of India norms,medical college can be constructed in two parts only in some big cities where the population is more than 25 lakhs.But the CMOH has already hanged sign board of Medical College in the gate of the district hospital.Jalpaiguri is a small town having population of not more than One and half lakh where two campuses will destroy the Medical College.Therefore I request all the local circle members to raise protest so that the Medical College takes place in one campus.Protest can be through mail at these mail id:
The CMOH has already violated the norms of MCI and by force doing illegally not even following the Hon'ble Chief Minister's plan and orders.
The CMOH has already violated the norms of MCI and by force doing illegally not even following the Hon'ble Chief Minister's plan and orders.
The Petition was also marked to:
Principal Secretary
Health Department
Health Department