Skill Development in and for India

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Online Signatures: 5
PM and CMs of all states
India has 2 big problems.
1) Uncontrolled Population Growth
2) Unemployment
To control the population growth, PM Narendra Modi ji must introduce population control bill and family should be limited to 2 children only. If a couple has more than 2 children, they have to pay penalty plus couple should not get any benefits/subsidy and jobs in Governments.

To address unemployment, Make education and skill development compulsory for all citizens of India from primary school. For skill developments, private players should be encouraged
The Indian technology giants like Infosys, Wipro and many other companies should part with the various engineering colleges and schools to give a good incubator course to all students to enable them to develop the skills needed be job worthy and competent to meet the demand of the future with more confidence. A compulsory industry exposure to live projects with mentorship will definitely boost the confidence of the young engineers. A wide gap between academics and market demands is the crucial period where less competent engineers struggle and loose their confidence. Professionals passing out from IIM's and IIT's should be retained to work for development of India rather than permiting them to move to developed nations in greed for money. Entrepreneurship can be promoted only if confidence level of the youth is bolstered with sincere interference of Government.Human resource cells should be implemented at panchayat levels. MNREGA like income generation schemes for budding entrepreneur's should be started to support and enable the youth to meet their livelihood while they are chasing their dreams.
Nov 14
The Indian technology giants like Infosys, Wipro and many other companies should part with the various engineering colleges and schools to give a good incubator course to all students to enable them to be job worthy and competent to meet the demand of the future with more confidence. A compulsory industry exposure to live projects with mentorship will definitely boost the confidence of the young engineers. A wide gap between academics and market demands is the crucial period where less competent engineers struggle and loose their confidence. Professionals passing out from IIM's and IIT's should be retained to work for development of India rather than permiting them to move to developed nations in greed for money. Entrepreneurship can be promoted only if confidence level of the youth is bolstered with sincere interference of Government.
Nov 14
Above Elementary level, Education shall be employable to to sustain the Economy in the Society as well as improve National Economy. Skills in Teaching various Academic and Technical Subjects is the need of the Hour since it was diluted from 90s due to unconditional privatization.
Jun 12
Qualifying Marks in Exams shall condition 75% Subject precise and only 25% on Bit Questions which sustains Subject Knowledge i.e., Skill
Jun 12

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