Report Card of Politicians

Signed 5/3000
Online Signatures: 5
Like we have report card of students in school politicians should also have report card and should be very transparent to everybody.

Components of Report Card ;-
1. Roles and responsibility Expected verses Work Done
2. Proposed agenda verses completed
3. Public Complaints verses Resolved
4. A minimum percentage fixed to be in position for next year
5. Assessment to be done Half yearly or quarterly.
6. Minimum qualification - No FIR(If there is then it should be cleared)(the way it happens in case of Visa processing), Graduate or Post Graduate or may be only Civil Servants who have served for 5 years are only allowed,
7. Polling should be basis a questionnaire. Public would give marks against their satisfaction level and then the marks would be consolidated. Then basis the final report he will be allowed or disallowed to work next year.

Everybody may contribute your ideas ahead.
The Petition was also marked to:
Narendra Modi

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