Politicians & Criminality

Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2
Chief Election Commissioner
Every year more and more political aspirants seem to have criminal back gtound. The decision to bar those who are convisted is not sufficient, because of long list of pending cases in various courts and the conviction in lower courts only leads to further litigation, because of recourse to appeals to higher court.
The petiiton therfore is aimed at :
1. Reducing the time needed for courts; decision. This can be done only through Fast Track Courts meants only for politicians.
2.Discouraging thlose with Criminal back gground from contesting the elections at State or Cengtral Level.
These 2 mandates are must for EC since the Sanctity and method of Rule wholly depend on these 2 only. OUR CONSTITUTION FAILED IN 2 ISSUES.
One is the negligent role of EC and the 2nd is the lack of absolute authority over JUDICIARY. This is why this Constitution could not help its own People who sacrificed their Time, Income, Wealth and even Souls for getting Independence from Invaders..
No Constitution indeed allow such ill-full Rule. Our Military also is soft like all of US. IF NOT, THEY COULD HAVE A DECADE IT'S TAKEN OVER THE RULE. Yes. This is 100% correct outcome of every individual.
Mar 14
Elections declared on 11th. On 13th, A.P.Police Seized 1.09 Crores unaccounted Currency while transporting from Chennai to Tirupathy. EC MUST BE VIGILANT ROUND THE CLOCE 24 X 7 TILL 23rd May .
Mar 14

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