Plithico pharma cheat thousands of Fixed depositors.

Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2
Thousands of investors through fixed deposit with Plithico pharma Ltd collected and remitted by Bajaj Capital company were left high and dry . Neither they paid the interest nor the Principal amount . It has been pending since 2012 onwards. Many elders who invested their retirement funds gone through hell . Many had to borrow for their child education, marriage etc. Request SEBI to initiate action and make Bajaj Capital accountable to repay it with interest. Onbehalf of thousands of cheated depositors. Vasudevan.
The Petition was also marked to:
Bajaj Capital
We need to form a group and bring it to the attention of sebi /FM group etc
Jan 02
Jan 02
I had also invested in pletico pharma and till date no news from either pletico or from sebi or bajaj .I think in LC we should form a group for pletico pharma case and everyone who has invested in it should participate and bring it to the notice of the FM and troup together with sebi/nclt so that they can take it up.What do people say for this
Jan 02

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