Late running of train between Mirzapur(MZP) to kanpur station ( CNB) .

Signed 1/3000
Online Signatures: 1
Railway minister
From last 2 years, i noticed that the every train departing from Mzp (mirzapur) station take time to 2 to 3 hrs hours to reach allahabad. Every time train are stopped at karchhana station for 1 to 2 hrs. Further, when train proceeds from allahadad to kanpur it takes 1 to 2 hours more than normal timing. At resultant train like purushottam 12801 and brahmputra 14055 is always late in reaching New delhi and Delhi station. Both train are normally 5 to 7 hours late to reach Delhi. At the same time, all the Rajdhani train passing from Allahabad and reaching Delhi are almost at time , since upto 1 hours late, we indian consider it at time. If there is any problem in track, how the Rajdhani train gets reach on time

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