JOB without SALARY

Signed 54/3000
Online Signatures: 54
We are the Contract Labours of BSNL since last 20 to 25 years. Every year our tenders are renewed for 26 days per month, so as this year. BSNL authority has stopped our salary since March'2019 and decreasing our days of work from 26 to 13 days. In this current situation more than 10 numbers of workers have been committed suicide in Calcutta Telephones. Situation is so tough that we the workers are facing tremendous problem to run our family. We all have kids who are in school and ailing parents. we are in mid age and this is far to our imagine to get any job elsewhere. In this situation our prayer is honorable Telecom Minister and Labour Minister to intervene our matter and to take proper step so, that we get relieved from this unbearable situation.
The Petition was also marked to:
After so many years of serving, this is a very bad step from govt. Immediately do something for them.
Nov 05
Dear honorable Minister.
Though, maximum staff of BSNL are not professional and lazy to improve their skill and due to their negative approach, private companies are growing up but please give them one more chance to change their mentality.
Dipankar Deb
Nov 05
with due respect to u sir do u know all this r neglect from top level. As u said they r lazy, I can explain u. If the administrator r doing there job properly is there any person or worker have any power to avoid or neglect their order. If any Govt. officer come to office at due time he or she would not allowed his or her subordinate to join the office after half of the working hours.
And one more things that BSNL is the property of the Indian citizens and this is for the purpose of serve the people. If a private company. taking its place it will be one more Kingfisher ,Jet airways. There r so many examples like this. As u know the rate of mobile calls BSNL before coming n mobile business.
Feb 29
Respected telecom minister
Please do needfull which they can save their life and their families.
Nov 05
Dear Telecom Minister
Do something for the people who are starving with their families at this moment.
Nov 04
Dear Minister, Please do not favor these workers. they are mostly lazy public (99%) are there in BSNL. Provides no service at all. Made the office a place for gossiping and loitering. I had 3 mobile and one landline and one broadband connections. Mobile connections were ported to private players and was forced to give up the landline and broadband, due to their no-work mentality and worst ever service. Hence my utter request to the ministry to close down these type of Govt. organisation as early as possible. Otherwise our tax payed money will be wasted behind these worthless employees of BSNL.
Nov 04
Sir I like to draw ur kind notice that as u had said that they r lazy, can u explain then why they come to at office they can gossiping at their nearest place. Sir Govt. already trying to shutting down it bcoz to give facility to a private company. and the private company. when come and take charge of its public will suffer. As u know the rate of mobile calls before BSNL come into mobile business. And if, privatisation is the conclusion of all this things then why today JET, KINGFISHER and so many private sectors r being shut down. So, sir think before what u r saying.
Feb 29
Yes they had enough good times.....
Nov 05

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