Jet airlines is not providing GST invoice for the journey ticket

Signed 4/3000
Online Signatures: 4
appellate authority
And they replied again vide their email as under:
Info GST
19 Nov at 1:42 PM
Dear Mr. Chandramohan,
Thank you for your email and contacting Jet Airways.
With regard to your mail, for booking MBBTKT the GST details have not been updated and hence invoice cannot be generated for the same.
In order to generate the invoice on the portal we request you to update the GST details in the PNR within 72 hrs of booking creation or travel date whichever is earlier and if not updated invoice cannot be generated for the same.
For updating the PNR you need to go to the Jet Airways portal then you need to go the manage booking section where you can see the option of Update your GST details by clicking on which you can update the GST details for a particular booking.
Below mentioned is the screen shot for your reference.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely.
Delise Cardozo
Support Analyst Infogst Voice of Guest
Jet Airways (India) Ltd Siroya Centre, 1st floor Sahar Airport Road, Andheri East Mumbai 400 099 India.

The round trip tickets were booked online in one single booking duly furnishing the GST No. so the explanation by Jet airways is not tenable. They are not giving invoice either with our corporate GST or without GST No.

Hence, I request you to get me the Jet airlines invoice for my Del-Blr journey eticket No 5892962019838 for Rs 6697/ immediately.

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