Grass Root Corruption will India known as a failed grass root corrupt state

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Online Signatures: 2
Photo on 2-13-19 at 2.45 PM_27022019025107.jpg
Prime Minister down to each Indian
Today if there is a birth certificate, cremation of a body, death certificate required it costs beyond the regular charge.

If property is bought and or sold money moves the file at the registrar.

Schools, colleges, hospitals are also effected by such practices.

So also most other levels of day to day life money beyond fees are required to get action happen.

All agencies are embroiled in such acts which delays actions, effects productivity, increases logistics of economic activity, hindering job growth and encourages poverty.
The Petition was also marked to:
We Indians
services at all levels
All the bureaucratic are appointed by politicians , while appointment they are collecting the bribe, so even any one gives the complaints on them no action is been taken, in Tamil nadu, local sales tax is been highly corrupted from top to bottom, God save my country
May 22
Corruption is so rampant that if one wishes to go ahead and get registrations done online as advised, any number of obstacles shoot up till someone from the system advises us that we will have to spend a lot of time and effort to get things done and suggests that we engage an agent by paying some money and pronto the matter gets done in minutes. Amazing, the power of cash in all our dealings.
The tribe of agents will thrive unless there is change at every level as easy money is tough to refuse.
May 23

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