facebook seller fraud

Signed 1/3000
Online Signatures: 1
National Consumer helpline
Friends, beware. Lots of fraud links and websites for selling products are promoted by facebook. Passive support from facebook and government consumer helpline by their reluctance to take any action has emboldened such frauds. Even if there are ways and means to track emails through email headers and ways to find out the recipient of epayment, government consumer helpline takes no action. Considering our huge population, even if a small percentage gets duped by these numerous fraud sellers, the total figure of fraud must be crores and crores of rupees. It is so easy to have a authentic looking website up and running for some days featuring useful/unique products and then vanish into hiding. Government must also act against against such fraud sellers, against facebook for posting their ads and also against employee government consumer helpline for shielding the fraud seller and closing complaints without taking appropriate action.
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