Signed 1/3000
Online Signatures: 1
There are clear instructions that MARKETING calls or messages cannot be made/sent to DONOT DISTURB REGISTERED (DND ENABLED) mobile numbers. TRAI is not effectively controlling and must ensure penalty to the companies as being vicariously liable for acts of their staff/ agents .
TRAI has instructed any individual to complain to their TELECOM provider through SMS/ mail (1909 is the number ) . They in turn lodge a complaint to the respective Telecom provider from which marketing call/SMS arises . This must be done within 24 hours to the customer!
In most cases the service provider replies 'OPTED PREFERENCE' and close the complaint ! We know it is false , they know it is false but all telecom providers ensure that they dont cancel such connections
When written asking our telecom provider to provide proof, we never get any reply or get a reply that ' 24 hours have elapsed' !
The trai app is also not helpful . There is no follow up .
MOST BANKS keep sending such unsolicited messages and I have made complaints to most of these (several of them) .
TRAI looking away from this problem is causing hardship to many who have to attend to unnecessary calls/ messages.
TRAI must penalise these telemarketing calls .
With Web to SMS and SMS' from even telcom providers being given free , these telemarketing people are taking undue advantage. Added to it is the inefficiency or deficiency of TRAI
Either they must have a proper mechanism in place or they must state that if any messages / calls are made and if the individual lodges a complaint a very nominal sum of Rs 200/- for each message and call will be paid to the receiver . This will certainly prevent unwanted calls / Messages as they will be afraid of penalty .
The Petition was also marked to:
PM Modi ji

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