airtel International Roaming

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Online Signatures: 1

As a postpaid customer , I have activated one month IR Pack of Airtel before leaving for US on a personal visit.

The IR pack auto activated on landing at Chicago airport .

The mobile network and IR got disconnected during the journey
from Airport to my destinated place at Peoria,IL and not activated even after reaching there.

and in the result, there were no incoming/outgoing calls ,Msgs to the mobile.

And on making several compliants to Airtel through emails ( on local wifi) ,
I got replies that the issue of non functionality is under process but ended wth no solution.

Finally I recd a mail from Airtel saying that there was usage of IR for 1 day only as per mobile Data and it is charging for 1 day IR Pack only and the excess amount charged for 1 month is being reversed in the subsequent bill .

This shows that the company`s inability in provision of International Roaming Services through out US.

This amounts to deficiency in promised services .

And is still misleading its own subscribers by sending Msgs , emails as `` Stay Connected with Your loved ones with Airtel International Packs ``

The said Msgs, mails are pouring in, even now also.

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