Mumbai Municipal Corporation 0 000
Mumbai Municipal Corporation
1.54 / 5 26 Reviews
Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001
Really Pathetic
There has to be a system to put the name,address,contact no.Regn.No.With BMC ,of the contractor at the place of parking lot so that any one can cross check with BMC if any one wants to.
As rightly said by Oneil K & F Kalwacwalla no body knows where the money goes,& many times they do not cut receipt,
Many issues
- We do not know who is authorized to collect parking charges as any person displays a board and starts collecting parking fees. So question is - Is every potential parking place chargeable?
- Many pocket half the eligible amount and do not cut a receipt.
- A new person is charged on adhoc basis.
- Basic question - why parking charges? Authorities must provide place for parking charges.
Pathetic !!! For years, we paid the MCGM contractor parking charges at Nariman Point. After more than 10 years of paying we got to know that the area was supposedly not a "Pay & Park" area. The contractor who made lakhs of rupees & who perhaps wd be a relative of the contractor, pocketed lakhs of rupees tax free & no action has been taken against him.
Past few years I hv been leaving my car in my building compound at home & taking a taxi to work & for meetings. The car is only a status symbol to show the neighbours "I am there too". The car of course is necessary for weekend drives to Lonavla etc.
Rs 352 crores have been siphoned off by road contractors, again possible relatives of MCGM, for providing us potholed roads. Though they are supposedly blacklisted now, the same fellows will float new companies & do the same siphoning process for the next few years.
They have everywhere kept No Parking boards but are not creating parking places. The Taxi parking are worst as they park leaving so much space and block half the road.
Yup!!!! Mr. Ayaz is quite right and that too one has to leave the keys with attendant. In suburbs, the rate varies from spot to spot. Not visible any authentic display board about the charges are placed. Nothing is known to public in general about over night parking charges and moreover the facts about an area allocated as PAY & PARK or not.

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