Mumbai municipal corporation 0 000
2.26 / 5 31 Reviews
G D Ambekar Marg
G D Ambekar Marg, Spring Mill Complex, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Quite Poor

------- Edited on 2019-10-15 -------

Much below the expected level.Needs drastic improvements.

------- Edited on 2019-10-15 -------

The Garbage collection by Municiple Corporation of Greater Mumbai is very poor.Many a places Dust bins are not there.If they are there it is not cleared regularly.Even Garbage sweeping is not proper.Trucks are not covered with the result it keeps on flying.At many a places you will find heaps of Garbage and not cleared for so many days.There is lot of scope for improvement.
same old problems continue and BMC is wanting to pass its responsibility and duties onto the common man. They appoint NGOs who come and lecture societies and indirectly threaten that fines will be levied on non compliance.
The truth is that there is a tug of war between BJP and SS and even though our dear PM has a clear vision of SWATCH BHARAT, the others do not want it to succeed
Garbage collection in my locality is average. But the BMC itself mixes wet & dry Garbage separated by us.

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