HDFC Bank 0 000
3.25 / 5 107 Reviews
New Delhi
The biggest problem with HDFC Bank is they just debit the charges without any warning or intimation. When customer discovers these debits, it has to run from pillar to post.
Mostly used answer is "visit your home branch", Why home branch? what is specific at home branch? but they just insist on go to home branch.

------- Edited on 2016-05-09 -------

Very good bank compare to all private bank. Quick service, very co-operative staff.
Unfriendly, SELFISH bank.
Getting quicker response and polite answers in personal banking section. Loan department is poor in responding to queries.

------- Edited on 2016-11-12 -------

Two days went to HDFC. The hospitality and the patience employees have shown was remarkable. Enquired each and everyone and explained how to resolve for exchange of money and at the same impossibilities they explained them. Aged people they guided incl filling the form etc.

------- Edited on 2016-11-23 -------

I use to visit Adambakkam branch occasionally and enjoyed the hospitality and quicker services. Even in this old currency exchange also I maintained patience and did excellent coordination to customers comparing nationalized banks

------- Edited on 2016-12-18 -------

I visited twice to HDFC post this denomination problems. Both times I have seen their hospitality and patience in handling customers and aged or health problematic peoples, they helped with proper assistance and did good services comparing to any banks

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