Chennai Municipal Corporation 0 000
Chennai Municipal Corporation
1.75 / 5 8 Reviews
Chennai Municipal Corporation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003
Yes the foot paths have been encroached by the shop vendors.. and the irresponsible citizen as they go just throw the garbage bags... ofcourse liquor bottles...and since they are laying the road again and again the houses around becoming lower than the road levels and therefore force to re construct because there is no other solution, can this be stopped instead of laying the road making money by the councillors why cant they lay a road which is similar to netnerland roads which can absorb water in seconds... can we re think this to make a wonderful city!!!
The practice of open defecation or urination cannot be eliminated in Chennai as there is no scope of easing out except in secluded places here. Govt should have a target for a tested and proven model for the erection of public toilets in all the CC limits especially near Rly stations and bus stops.
Chennai beaches or public roads are always littered with broken bottles of liquor, this waste is more hazardous and dangerous, apart from debris from buildings construction. People are more ignorant about the cleanliness and keep spitting on the road with or without pans and are very comfortable in doing that - even from moving bus irrespective of the others feelings or health conditions. These can be cut down - only when municipal corporation takes step by fining such acts with severe penalty.
Even the foot paths are encroached by THE SO CALLED GOVERNMENT itself for self promotional banners all over the route of Chief Minister's convoy rides..! This practice should be immediately checked by higher authorities - since everyone is aware of the current local power politics. So by keeping all these things in mind, it is very very necessary to improve the way of working and Cleaning pattern of the city.

------- Edited on 2015-11-28 -------

Absence of footpaths despite widening process which is royally occupied by the vendors now is creating unnecessary congestion - which has reduced width of the road. Only one car can pass through and rest of the vehicles are to be followed one by one even at bus routes. Foot paths should be devoid of vendors and protruding electric boxes - this needs to be attended. Many of the places in Chennai takes lot of time to reach the destination due to this reason. The same roads laid afresh will be dug up again the consequent week for repairs. Why this happens only here?

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