Chennai Egmore Railway Station 0 000
2.95 / 5 21 Reviews
Anna 3rd Street
1,3rd street thirumullaivayil chennai 62
One of the historic stations in S Railway. It is well maintained. Require more scientific approach needed to bear the pressure, of the growing population and demand. The mindset of people should also change for the well being of fellow passengers.
Station is horrible, approach roads chaotic and congested.
I am often travelling in 11063 / 11064 Chennai Egmore - Salem Junction - Chennai Egmore . In my experience the condition of coaches including the toilet is worst condition . Old damaged coaches are only regularly running in this train & I am often surprised why like this.

------- Edited on 2017-02-21 -------

I am often travelling in 11063 / 11064 Chennai Egmore - Salem Junction - Chennai Egmore . In my experience the condition of coaches including the toilet is worst condition . Old damaged coaches are only regularly running in this train & I am often surprised why like this.

------- Edited on 2017-02-21 -------

I am often travelling in 11063 / 11064 Chennai Egmore - Salem Junction - Chennai Egmore . In my experience the condition of coaches including the toilet is worst condition . Old damaged coaches are only regularly running in this train & I am often surprised why like this.
Platform access, platform cleanliness, Vendor shops, Waiting area, access for cars to drive next to train for ease of access to disabled and old people is required.

Still Egmore is far better than Central. While keeping up the good work, please improve on the above points..

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