Bhopal Municipal Corporation 0 000
Bhopal Municipal Corporation
1.89 / 5 9 Reviews
Bhopal Municipal Corporation, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003
Cleanliness of Bhopal city is for certain area and time when the inspection team returned some of the bloody bhopali start to sprade the garbage . the nigam not insisting on fine system like indore . the jhuggi person and slum area are not willing to go with city cleanliness . also the municipal staff is not interested for city cleanliness they started again dumping of garbage in cornor of colony or ground they are burning the garbage and polluting the environment . so we requested to give attention in this matter to.

thanks and regards

Pravin Kumar
This is regarding the Indra Vihar Colony, Airport Road, Bhopal. Garbage collection is done from door to door, for which we are paying to Municipal Corporation, Bhopal.
Regarding the cleanliness in the surroundings and roads nothing is being done. Reason is said to be Coliny is not handed over to Municipal Corporation. The Local Body is collecting the Property Tax from us, for that purpose it is coming under Municipal Corporation, but for cleanliness it is not handed over to them.
Then Overhead Tank has been constructed long back, but Water is not supplied through this tank by Municipal Corporation. It is stuck up because of local leadres egos.
Can somebody take the things in logical way and act.
Door to door collection of garbage is satisfactory. Garbage dumps in the localities remain unclean for a week or 10 days. Frequency should be increased.

------- Edited on 2015-11-01 -------

Even after cleaning the garbage the area around the dump is not completely cleaned with residual garbage strewn around.The frequency cleaning the dumps should be increased.
BMC activity is not visible. I mean to say the dirty area which you pass through today and everyday remains dirty even after 15 days.5

------- Edited on 2015-10-24 -------


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